Elementary Algebra II comes after Elementary Algebra I, that was about the integers. It deals with fractions, rational numbers and real numbers.

With that second module of Elementary Algebra, you will master all of these topics and more:

  • Computation with fractions, rationals and reals, with the four operations and exponentiation.
  • Linear and affine equations solving in Q and R.
  • Quadratic equations solving in R.
  • Many kinds of inequalities solving.

  • Straight lines, parabolas and hyperbolas drawing, and studying their variation direction and convexity.
  • Trigonometric functions discovery, manipulation and drawing.

And all of it with a practical approach based on Python coding: a course of Python is available at the beginning of the module, for those who haven't followed Elementary Algebra I.

Hi, I’m Fabienne Chaplais from Mathedu

I hold the 'Agrégation de Mathématiques', the highest French degree to teach math up to the undergraduate level.

During 26 years, I was an R&D engineer in the space, defence and railway industries.

With my husband François, we created Mathedu to teach mathematics from a practical point of view, based on Python programming sessions and scripts.

I am an enthusiastic teacher, loving sharing my passion of mathematics.