The Fractions, Rational Numbers and Real Numbers
Master computation with fractions, rational numbers and real numbers
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The aim of that course is to give you the mastery of the construction and manipulation of the fractions and of the rational numbers they lead to.
Starting with practical Python manipulations and scripts, you will become by the end of that course a master in:
- Constructing the fractions, and then the rational number as sets of equivalent fractions.
- Comparing fractions, and then the rational numbers, and ordering the rational numbers set Q
- Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing the fractions, and then the rational numbers,, including doing all these operations in a unique formula.
- Exponentiating the rational numbers by integers of any signs, provided the rational number is non-zero when the exponent is negative.
- Exponentiate a product or a quotient, and setting a non-zero rational number to the power a sum or a difference.
- Comparing the results of additions or subtractions.
- Comparing the results of multiplications, division, or exponentiations by natural integers.
On the top of it, you will become a master in all these topics with real numbers too, because their manipulation is very similar to that of rational numbers.
And the last section gives you extra information abour real numbers: the square roots, the solution of quadratic equations and the trigonometric functions sine and cosine.
Your Instructor
Fabienne holds the Agregation in Mathematics, the highest French diploma to teach mathematics in secondary schools. After a 26-year career as an R&D engineer in applied mathematics, she founded Mathedu (Mathematics Re-engineering) with her husband and collaborator Francois, to teach mathematics from a practical point of view, based on Python programming. She is both an expert in mathematics education and a passionate woman who will help you experience the joy of improving your mastery of mathematics.